The Glossary for Fitness and Health
The Glossary for Fitness and Health informs you about all relevant things regarding your fitness and health.
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Deutsch: Barre-Training / Español: Barre / Português: Barre / Français: Barre / Italiano: Barre
Barre in the fitness context refers to a type of workout that blends elements of ballet, Pilates, yoga, and strength training. Named after the ballet barre (a horizontal handrail used for balance), barre workouts focus on small, controlled movements designed to improve strength, flexibility, posture, and balance. The exercises typically target specific muscle groups, particularly the legs, glutes, core, and arms, using bodyweight, light weights, and resistance bands.
Deutsch: Radfahren / Español: Ciclismo / Português: Andar de bicicleta / Français: Vélo / Italiano: Ciclismo
Biking in the fitness context refers to the use of a bicycle or stationary bike as a form of cardiovascular exercise aimed at improving endurance, strength, and overall physical health. It is a versatile activity that can be performed outdoors on roads or trails, or indoors using stationary equipment.
Deutsch: Budget / Español: Presupuesto / Português: Orçamento / Français: Budget / Italiano: Budget
Budget in the fitness context refers to the financial planning and allocation of resources for activities, memberships, equipment, or services related to health and exercise. It helps individuals or organisations manage costs effectively to achieve fitness goals without overspending.
Deutsch: Schwitzen / Español: Sudoración / Português: Suor / Français: Transpiration / Italiano: Sudorazione
Sweating in the fitness context refers to the body’s natural response to physical activity and increased temperature, where perspiration is produced by the sweat glands to regulate body temperature. This process helps cool the body down and maintain a safe internal temperature during workouts.