Glossary D
Glossary D
Deutsch: Doping / Español: Dopaje / Português: Dopagem / Français: Dopage / Italiano: Doping
Doping in fitness refers to the use of substances or methods to enhance physical performance, often involving anabolic steroids, growth hormones, or stimulants. These substances are usually banned in professional sports and fitness competitions due to ethical, health, and regulatory concerns.
Deutsch: Erkennung / Español: Detección / Português: Detecção / Français: Détection / Italiano: Rilevamento
Detection in the fitness context refers to the identification and monitoring of physical, physiological, or behavioural signals to assess health, performance, and progress. It encompasses tools and techniques used to track fitness metrics, detect potential risks, and optimise training plans.
Deutsch: Dosierung / Español: Dosificación / Português: Dosagem / Français: Dosage / Italiano: Dosaggio
Dosage in the fitness context refers to the precise amount of a substance or activity administered or recommended to achieve specific health or performance goals. It is commonly used in relation to supplements, medications, exercise intensity, or training volume and is critical for ensuring safety, effectiveness, and optimal results.
Deutsch: Verdauungsstörung / Español: Trastorno digestivo / Português: Distúrbio digestivo / Français: Trouble digestif / Italiano: Disturbo digestivo
Digestive disorder in the fitness context refers to a range of conditions that affect the gastrointestinal (GI) system and may impact an individual’s ability to maintain or improve physical performance, body composition, and overall health. These disorders can result from or be exacerbated by dietary habits, intense exercise, or fitness-related supplementation.
Deutsch: Abhängigkeit / Español: Dependencia / Português: Dependência / Français: Dépendance / Italiano: Dipendenza
In the fitness context, dependency refers to an over-reliance on specific fitness practices, tools, supplements, or behaviours to achieve or maintain Performance, Motivation, or physical goals. While some forms of dependency can foster Consistency, excessive dependency may hinder Adaptability, personal Growth, or long-term Health.
Deutsch: Richtung / Español: Dirección / Português: Direção / Français: Direction / Italiano: Direzione
Direction in the Fitness context refers to the planned or purposeful movement paths or orientations that an individual follows during exercise. It plays a vital role in ensuring correct form, maximizing effectiveness, and preventing injury during workouts.
Deutsch: Abhängigkeit / Español: Dependencia / Português: Dependência / Français: Dépendance / Italiano: Dipendenza
Dependence in the fitness context refers to an unhealthy reliance on exercise or related activities that can negatively impact physical or Mental Health. This can manifest as a psychological or physiological need for exercise that, if unchecked, may lead to overtraining, injury, or disrupted social and emotional Well-being.
Deutsch: Mangel / Español: Deficiencia / Português: Deficiência / Français: Carence / Italiano: Deficienza
Deficiency in the Fitness context refers to the lack or insufficiency of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, or physiological capabilities that can impair performance, recovery, and overall health. Nutritional deficiencies can hinder physical progress, while deficiencies in muscle strength, flexibility, or endurance can limit fitness performance.
Deutsch: Definition / Español: Definición / Português: Definição / Français: Définition / Italiano: Definizione
Definition in the fitness context refers to the visibility of muscle shape and separation due to a combination of developed muscle Mass and a low level of body fat. It is the state where muscles are well-defined and distinct from one another, giving a sculpted or "cut" appearance to the body.
Deutsch: Entgiftung / Español: Desintoxicación / Português: Desintoxicação / Français: Détoxification / Italiano: Disintossicazione
Detoxification in the fitness context refers to the process of eliminating toxins from the body, often to enhance physical performance, improve overall health, and support recovery. It typically involves dietary changes, lifestyle Modifications, and sometimes supplements that are designed to aid the body’s natural detox systems, such as the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system. Detoxification is seen as a way to reset or cleanse the body, especially after periods of poor nutrition, high stress, or inactivity.