Glossary L
Glossary L
Deutsch: Schmierung / Español: Lubricación / Português: Lubrificação / Français: Lubrification / Italiano: Lubrificazione
Lubrication in the fitness context refers to the application of substances or the natural processes that reduce friction and wear between moving parts, whether in the human body or fitness equipment. It plays a crucial role in maintaining joint health, optimising the function of gym machinery, and ensuring smooth, safe exercise performance.
Deutsch: Langlebigkeit / Español: Longevidad / Português: Longevidade / Français: Longévité / Italiano: Longevità
Longevity in the fitness context refers to maintaining physical health, strength, and functionality over the long term through consistent exercise, proper Nutrition, and healthy lifestyle practices. It Focuses on improving the quality of life and reducing the risk of age-related decline in physical and mental capabilities.
Deutsch: Lunge / Español: Pulmón / Português: Pulmão / Français: Poumon / Italiano: Polmone
Lung in the fitness context refers to one of the two organs in the respiratory system responsible for oxygen exchange, which is vital for sustaining Physical activity. During exercise, the lungs play a critical role in supplying oxygen to the Blood and removing carbon dioxide, enabling the muscles to perform efficiently.
Deutsch: Bein / Español: Pierna / Português: Perna / Français: Jambe / Italiano: Gamba
Leg in the Fitness context refers to the lower limb of the human Body, including the thigh, knee, calf, and foot. It is a fundamental area of Focus in fitness training, as strong and functional legs are crucial for Stability, movement, and overall physical Performance.
Deutsch: Last / Español: Carga / Português: Carga / Français: Charge / Italiano: Carico
Load in the Fitness context refers to the amount of weight or resistance applied during an exercise or Workout. This includes both external weights, such as dumbbells, Barbells, and machines, as well as bodyweight used in Strength training. Load is a key factor in determining the intensity of a workout and the type of training adaptations, such as strength, power, or Muscular Endurance.
Deutsch: Leiter / Español: Líder / Português: Líder / Français: Leader / Italiano: Leader
Leader in the fitness context refers to an individual who guides, motivates, and supports others in their fitness journey, often playing the role of a coach, instructor, or fitness trainer. A fitness leader helps set goals, designs exercise programs, and provides encouragement to ensure that individuals or groups reach their Health and fitness objectives.
Deutsch: Heben / Español: Levantamiento / Português: Levantamento / Français: Levage / Italian: Sollevamento
Lifting in the fitness context refers to the activity of lifting weights or resistance to build muscle strength, increase endurance, improve overall fitness, and enhance body composition. It includes a variety of exercises using free weights (like dumbbells and barbells), machines, kettlebells, or bodyweight. Lifting, often synonymous with strength training or resistance training, is a fundamental component of fitness routines and is beneficial for people of all ages and fitness levels.
Deutsch: Linsen / Español: Lentejas / Português: Lentilhas / Français: Lentilles / Italiano: Lenticchie
Lentils in the fitness context refer to small, lens-shaped legumes that are rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential nutrients. They are commonly included in fitness diets due to their ability to support muscle recovery, provide sustained energy, and promote overall health. Lentils are especially popular among vegetarians, vegans, and those looking to diversify their protein sources.
Deutsch: Beinkraft / Español: Fuerza de piernas / Português: Força das pernas / Français: Force des jambes / Italiano: Forza delle gambe
Leg strength in the fitness context refers to the power and endurance of the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and smaller stabilizing muscles. Strong legs are essential for a wide range of physical activities, from daily movements like walking and climbing stairs to athletic performance in sports, as well as for maintaining balance, posture, and overall mobility.
Deutsch: Hülsenfrucht / Español: Legumbre / Português: Leguminosa / Français: Légumineuse / Italiano: Legume
In the Fitness context, a legume refers to a plant-based food that includes beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas. Legumes are highly valued for their rich nutritional profile, offering an excellent Source of protein, fibre, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, making them a staple for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.