Glossary B
Glossary B
Deutsch: Gleichgewichtsübung / Español: Ejercicio de equilibrio / Português: Exercício de equilíbrio / Français: Exercice d’équilibre / Italiano: Esercizio di equilibrio
Balance exercise refers to physical activities that enhance stability, coordination, and body control by improving the ability to maintain posture and equilibrium. These exercises strengthen core muscles, enhance proprioception (body awareness), and reduce the risk of falls or injuries. Balance training is an essential part of fitness routines for athletes, older adults, and individuals recovering from injuries.
Deutsch: Rückenschwimmen / Español: Estilo de espalda / Português: Nado de costas / Français: Dos crawlé / Italiano: Dorso
Backstroke in the fitness context is a swimming style performed on the back, characterised by alternating arm movements and a flutter kick. It is widely used in fitness, rehabilitation, and competitive swimming due to its focus on upper body strength, core stability, and cardiovascular endurance.
Deutsch: Blaubeere / Español: Arándano / Português: Mirtilo / Français: Myrtille / Italiano: Mirtillo
Blueberry in the fitness context refers to a nutrient-rich fruit known for its high antioxidant content, low calorie count, and numerous health benefits. It is a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts for supporting recovery, improving overall health, and providing a natural energy source.