Glossary K
Glossary K
Deutsch: Kickboxen / Español: Kickboxing / Português: Kickboxing / Français: Kickboxing / Italiano: Kickboxing
Kickboxing in the fitness context is a high-intensity, full-body workout that combines elements of martial arts and cardiovascular exercise. It involves movements such as punches, kicks, knee strikes, and defensive techniques, making it both a form of self-defence and a popular fitness regimen for improving strength, endurance, and coordination.
Deutsch: Kinesiologie / Español: Kinesiología / Português: Cinesiologia / Français: Kinésiologie / Italiano: Chinesiologia
Kinesiology in the fitness context is the scientific study of human movement, focusing on the mechanics, anatomy, and physiology of motion. It explores how muscles, bones, and joints interact during exercise and Physical activity, making it a foundational discipline for understanding and improving athletic Performance, rehabilitation, and overall physical Health.
Deutsch: Kapalabhati / Español: Kapalabhati / Português: Kapalabhati / Français: Kapalabhati / Italiano: Kapalabhati
Kapalabhati is a powerful breathing technique often used in yoga and fitness practices to energize the body, cleanse the respiratory system, and strengthen the core. It involves a series of forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. In the context of fitness, it is considered both a physical and mental exercise, providing benefits for breathing, concentration, and abdominal strength.
Deutsch: Treten / Español: Patada / Português: Chutar / Français: Coup de pied / Italiano: Calcio
Kicking refers to the act of striking or pushing with the foot, and in the context of fitness, it is a versatile movement used in various exercises and sports to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular fitness. Kicking exercises target the lower body, particularly the glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors, making them effective for building leg strength and enhancing overall coordination.
Deutsch: Kilogramm / Español: Kilogramo / Português: Quilograma / Français: Kilogramme / Italian: Chilogrammo
Kilogram is a unit of mass in the metric system and is widely used in the fitness context to measure body weight, the weight of fitness equipment, and the Load used during exercise. It is abbreviated as "kg".
Deutsch: Grünkohl / Español: Kale / Português: Couve / Français: Chou frisé / Italiano: Cavolo riccio
Kale in the fitness context is a nutrient-dense leafy green vegetable known for its numerous health benefits and is commonly included in fitness diets to support overall wellness, improve physical performance, and aid in recovery.
Deutsch: Kneten / Español: Amasamiento / Português: Amassamento / Français: Pétrissage / Italiano: Impastare
Kneading in the fitness context typically refers to a massage technique used to manipulate soft tissues and muscles, promoting recovery and flexibility. This method is commonly used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and physical therapists to enhance muscle function and alleviate soreness.
Ketoglutarate is a compound that plays a vital role in various metabolic processes within the body, particularly in the context of fitness and exercise. It is a key intermediate molecule in the citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle, which is a central component of cellular Respiration. Ketoglutarate is produced in the mitochondria of cells and is involved in energy production, amino acid metabolism, and other essential biochemical pathways.
Ketosis refers to an abnormality of the body's metabolic process, resulting in an increase of ketones in the blood, which can increase the risk of developing kidney stones.