Glossary U
Glossary U
Deutsch: Oberarmknochen / Español: Hueso del brazo superior / Português: Osso do braço superior / Français: Os de l’avant-bras supérieur / Italiano: Omero
Upper arm bone in the fitness context refers to the humerus, the long bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow. It plays a crucial role in upper body movements, acting as the anchor for numerous muscles involved in strength training, functional fitness, and athletic performance.
Deutsch: Ujjayi / Español: Ujjayi / Português: Ujjayi / Français: Ujjayi / Italiano: Ujjayi
Ujjayi in the fitness context refers to a breathing technique used primarily in yoga and certain meditative practices. Often called "victorious breath" or "ocean breath," it involves a controlled, audible breath through the nose, where the throat is slightly constricted to create a soothing, rhythmic sound. This technique is designed to enhance focus, regulate breathing, and support physical and mental endurance during fitness activities.
Deutsch: Aufwärtsgerichteter Hund / Español: Perro boca arriba / Português: Cachorro olhando para cima / Français: Chien tête en haut / Italiano: Cane a faccia in su
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, also known as Upward-Facing Dog in English, is a common yoga posture that strengthens and stretches various parts of the body. In the fitness and yoga context, it is a backbend position that improves flexibility in the spine, opens the chest, and engages the core muscles. This pose is often included in vinyasa or flow yoga sequences, particularly as part of the Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar).
Deutsch: Gestreckte seitliche Winkelhaltung / Español: Postura del ángulo lateral extendido / Português: Postura do ângulo lateral estendido / Français: Posture de l'angle latéral étendu / Italian: Posizione dell'angolo laterale esteso
Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) is a fundamental yoga posture that offers numerous fitness benefits. This pose involves a deep stretch and strengthening of the legs, hips, and upper body while enhancing balance and stability. It is commonly included in yoga sequences for its comprehensive engagement of multiple muscle groups and its ability to improve overall flexibility and strength.
Deutsch: Oberkörperkraft / Español: Fuerza de la parte superior del cuerpo / Português: Força da parte superior do corpo / Français: Force du haut du corps / Italian: Forza della parte superiore del corpo
Upper body strength refers to the power and endurance of the muscles in the upper half of the body, including the chest, back, shoulders, and arms. In the fitness context, upper body strength is crucial for performing everyday activities, enhancing athletic performance, and preventing injuries.
Deutsch: Utkatasana / Español: Utkatasana / Português: Utkatasana / Français: Utkatasana / Italiano: Utkatasana
Utkatasana in the fitness context, also known as Chair Pose, is a fundamental standing yoga posture that strengthens the legs, glutes, and core while improving balance and endurance. The name "Utkatasana" comes from the Sanskrit words "utkata" meaning fierce or powerful, and "asana" meaning pose.
Deutsch: Aufnahme / Español: Absorción / Português: Absorção / Français: Absorption / Italiano: Assorbimento
Uptake in fitness refers to the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients, oxygen, and other essential substances. This process is crucial for ensuring that the body can effectively convert these substances into energy, support muscle growth and repair, and maintain overall health and performance.
Deutsch: Nutzung / Español: Utilización / Português: Utilização / Français: Utilisation / Italiano: Utilizzo
Utilization in the fitness context refers to the effective use of resources, techniques, and physiological capacities to achieve specific fitness goals. This encompasses a broad range of activities and strategies, from the deployment of gym equipment and training programs to the way the body uses nutrients and energy during physical activity.