Glossary E

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Energy', 'Exercise', 'Endurance'

Deutsch: Elektrolyt / Español: Electrolito / Português: Eletrólito / Français: Électrolyte / Italiano: Elettrolita

An electrolyte in the fitness context refers to a mineral that carries an electric charge and plays a vital role in maintaining bodily functions, especially during physical activity. Common electrolytes include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate, which are essential for hydration, muscle function, and energy production.

Deutsch: Erschöpfung / Español: Agotamiento / Português: Exaustão / Français: Épuisement / Italiano: Esaurimento

Exhaustion in the fitness context refers to a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue that occurs when the body’s energy reserves are depleted. It results from prolonged or intense physical activity without adequate rest or recovery, leading to reduced performance, impaired physical function, and, potentially, health risks.

Deutsch: Erhöhung / Español: Elevación / Português: Elevação / Français: Élévation / Italiano: Elevazione

Elevation in the fitness context refers to the change in height or altitude during physical activities, influencing workout intensity and the body's physiological response. It can relate to both outdoor exercise, such as hiking or running on hilly terrain, and indoor training, where elevation is simulated using equipment like treadmills or stair climbers.

Deutsch: Anstrengung / Español: Esfuerzo / Português: Esforço / Français: Effort / Italiano: Sforzo

Exertion in the fitness context refers to the level of effort or energy expended during physical activity. It indicates how hard the body is working and can be measured subjectively or objectively through various scales and monitoring tools to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Deutsch: Gleichgewicht / Español: Equilibrio / Português: Equilíbrio / Français: Équilibre / Italiano: Equilibrio

Equilibrium in the fitness context refers to the state of balance and stability in the body, especially during movement and exercise. It involves the coordination of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to maintain posture and control over the body’s position, whether stationary or in motion. Achieving and maintaining equilibrium is essential for proper form, injury prevention, and overall performance in physical activities.

Deutsch: Umwelt / Español: Entorno / Português: Ambiente / Français: Environnement / Italiano: Ambiente

Environment in the fitness context refers to the physical, social, and psychological factors that influence an individual's ability to engage in physical activity or exercise. It encompasses both external surroundings, such as gyms, parks, or home settings, and internal factors, including mental state and social support systems, that impact motivation, performance, and overall fitness outcomes.

Deutsch: Engagement / Español: Compromiso / Português: Engajamento / Français: Engagement / Italian: Impegno

Engagement in the fitness context refers to the active participation, involvement, and commitment of individuals in their fitness routines, exercises, or overall health and wellness journey. It encompasses both the mental and physical aspects of staying motivated, focused, and consistently involved in fitness activities. Engagement is crucial for achieving long-term fitness goals, maintaining motivation, and deriving enjoyment and satisfaction from physical activity.

Deutsch: Ephedra / Español: Efedra / Português: Efedra / Français: Éphédra / Italian: Efedra

Ephedra is a natural herb commonly used in the fitness and weight loss industry. It contains ephedrine, a compound that stimulates the central nervous system, increasing heart rate and metabolism. In fitness, it is often used to enhance physical performance, boost energy levels, and promote fat loss.

Deutsch: Erythropoetin / Español: Eritropoyetina / Português: Eritropoietina / Français: Érythropoïétine / Italian: Eritropoietina

Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hormone produced primarily by the kidneys that stimulates the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the bone marrow. In the fitness context, EPO is known for its role in enhancing athletic performance, particularly in endurance sports, by increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.

Deutsch: Übermäßige Ergänzungsmittel / Español: Suplementación Excesiva / Português: Suplementação Excessiva / Français: Supplémentation Excessive / Italiano: Supplementazione Eccessiva

Excessive supplementation in the context of fitness refers to the overconsumption of dietary supplements beyond the recommended levels in an attempt to enhance physical performance, muscle growth, or overall health. While supplements can be beneficial when used correctly, overuse can lead to adverse health effects and negate the intended benefits.