Glossary Y
Glossary Y
Deutsch: Joghurt / Español: Yogur / Português: Iogurte / Français: Yaourt / Italiano: Yogurt
Yogurt in the fitness context refers to a dairy product rich in protein, probiotics, vitamins, and minerals that support muscle recovery, gut health, and overall nutrition. It is commonly consumed by fitness enthusiasts as part of a balanced diet due to its nutritional benefits that align with fitness goals like muscle building, weight management, and digestive health.
Deutsch: Yoga-Haltung / Español: Postura de Yoga / Português: Postura de Yoga / Français: Posture de Yoga / Italiano: Posizione Yoga
Yoga Posture (also known as asana) refers to the physical poses and positions practiced in yoga. These postures are designed to improve flexibility, strength, and balance while promoting mental clarity and relaxation.
Deutsch: Yoga / Español: Yoga / Português: Yoga / Français: Yoga / Italiano: Yoga /
Yoga refers to the ancient art and philosophy that involves both mind and body and is aimed at self-development and self-realization. The physical practice of yoga involves performing postures (asanas) and using controlled breathing and meditation to stretch and tone the body and improve circulation.