Glossary I
Glossary I
Deutsch: Hemmung / Español: Inhibición / Português: Inibição / Français: Inhibition / Italiano: Inibizione
Inhibition in the fitness context refers to the suppression or regulation of muscular activity or neural signals, often occurring during exercises or rehabilitation to achieve proper movement patterns or prevent injury. It can also describe the intentional relaxation of overactive muscles to facilitate better performance of opposing muscle groups.
Deutsch: Inklusion / Español: Inclusión / Português: Inclusão / Français: Inclusion / Italiano: Inclusione
Inclusion in the fitness context refers to creating an environment and offering programs that ensure equal access, opportunity, and support for individuals of all abilities, backgrounds, and fitness levels. It promotes diversity and encourages participation in physical activities without barriers, fostering a sense of belonging within the fitness community.
Deutsch: Initiierung / Español: Iniciación / Português: Iniciação / Français: Initiation / Italiano: Iniziazione
Initiation in the fitness context refers to the process of beginning or starting a physical movement, workout routine, or athletic performance. It involves the conscious decision and physical act of initiating an exercise, movement pattern, or programme, often emphasising proper technique, control, and engagement of the relevant muscle groups.
Deutsch: Infektion / Español: Infección / Português: Infecção / Français: Infection / Italiano: Infezione
Infection in the fitness context refers to the occurrence of harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, entering the body and causing illness. In fitness environments, infections can result from inadequate hygiene, shared equipment, or overtraining that weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness.
Deutsch: Einklemmung / Español: Pinzamiento / Português: Impacto / Français: Conflit articulaire / Italiano: Conflitto articolare
Impingement in the fitness context refers to a condition where movement at a joint is restricted or painful due to soft tissue, such as tendons or ligaments, being pinched or compressed between bones. It commonly affects the shoulders (shoulder impingement syndrome) but can also occur in the hips or ankles. This condition is often associated with repetitive motions, overuse, or improper exercise techniques.
Deutsch: Implementierung / Español: Implementación / Português: Implementação / Français: Mise en œuvre / Italiano: Implementazione
Implementation in the fitness context refers to the process of putting fitness plans, strategies, or programmes into action. It involves structuring workouts, integrating fitness goals into routines, and using tools and methodologies to achieve desired physical outcomes effectively. This term applies to both personal fitness journeys and broader initiatives like gym management or community health campaigns.
Deutsch: Einnahme / Español: Ingesta / Português: Ingestão / Français: Ingestion / Italiano: Ingestione
Ingestion in the fitness context refers to the process of consuming food, beverages, or supplements to provide the body with nutrients, energy, and hydration necessary for physical performance, recovery, and overall health. Proper ingestion is a cornerstone of fitness, directly influencing workout outcomes and physical well-being.
Deutsch: Schlaflosigkeit / Español: Insomnio / Português: Insônia / Français: Insomnie / Italiano: Insonnia
Insomnia in the fitness context refers to difficulty falling or staying asleep that can negatively impact physical performance, recovery, and overall well-being. It may be linked to overtraining, poor recovery practices, or stress associated with workout routines and fitness goals.
Deutsch: Isoleucin / Español: Isoleucina / Português: Isoleucina / Français: Isoleucine / Italiano: Isoleucina
Isoleucine is one of the essential branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), alongside leucine and valine, which play a crucial role in muscle metabolism, energy production, and recovery in the fitness context. As an essential amino acid, isoleucine cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplementation. It is particularly important for athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activity, as it supports muscle repair, regulates blood sugar levels, and enhances endurance.
Deutsch: Reizbarkeit / Español: Irritabilidad / Português: Irritabilidade / Français: Irritabilité / Italiano: Irritabilità
Irritability in the fitness context refers to a muscle's ability to respond to stimuli, typically resulting in contraction. This term is also used more broadly in exercise science to describe how quickly muscles or tissues react to neural or chemical signals. High irritability means the muscles respond quickly and strongly to stimuli, which is crucial for effective muscle function during exercise and physical activity. Irritability is a key aspect of muscle physiology, influencing performance, recovery, and overall muscle health.