Glossary A
Glossary A
The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Activity', 'Aggregate Muscle Action', 'Application'
Deutsch: Autonomes Nervensystem / Español: Sistema Nervioso Autónomo / Português: Sistema Nervoso Autônomo / Français: Système Nerveux Autonome / Italiano: Sistema Nervoso Autonomo
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) in the fitness context refers to the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary bodily functions such as heart rate, respiration, digestion, and temperature regulation. It plays a critical role in managing recovery, performance, and the body's response to exercise.
Deutsch: Übernahme / Español: Adopción / Português: Adoção / Français: Adoption / Italiano: Adozione
Adoption in the fitness context refers to the process of embracing and integrating new fitness habits, routines, practices, or technologies into one’s lifestyle. It involves commitment and consistency in applying these changes to achieve health and fitness goals. Adoption can relate to behaviours such as starting a new workout regimen, incorporating healthier dietary practices, or utilising fitness technology.
Deutsch: Gelenkbeweglichkeit / Español: Articulación / Português: Articulação / Français: Articulation / Italiano: Articolazione
Articulation in the fitness context refers to the ability of joints in the body to move through their full range of motion with control, efficiency, and stability. It involves the coordination of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to allow fluid and precise movements during physical activities.
Deutsch: Leichtathletik / Español: Atletismo / Português: Atletismo / Français: Athlétisme / Italiano: Atletica
In the fitness context, athletics refers to a group of physical activities that include running, jumping, throwing, and walking. It encompasses a wide range of sports and exercises designed to build strength, speed, endurance, and overall Physical Fitness. Athletics is often the foundation for general fitness and Sports Performance.
Deutsch: Anämie / Español: Anemia / Português: Anemia / Français: Anémie / Italiano: Anemia
Anemia in the fitness context refers to a condition characterised by a deficiency of red Blood cells or haemoglobin, which impairs the blood's ability to carry Oxygen to muscles and tissues. This reduced oxygen transport can significantly affect physical Performance, recovery, and overall endurance, making it a critical concern for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Deutsch: Arm / Español: Brazo / Português: Braço / Français: Bras / Italiano: Braccio
Arm in the fitness context refers to the upper limb of the human Body, consisting of muscles, bones, and joints, which play a crucial role in various exercises, movements, and overall physical function. In fitness, the arm is often a focal point for Strength training, mobility work, and functional exercises.
Deutsch: Aspekt / Español: Aspecto / Português: Aspecto / Français: Aspect / Italiano: Aspetto
Aspect in the fitness context refers to a specific dimension or element of a fitness programme, routine, or lifestyle that contributes to overall Health and Performance. These can include physical, mental, nutritional, or even social components that collectively shape a well-rounded fitness journey.
Deutsch: Aerobic / Español: Aeróbic / Português: Aeróbica / Français: Aérobic / Italiano: Aerobica
Aerobics in the fitness context refers to a form of Cardiovascular exercise that involves rhythmic, continuous movements aimed at improving Heart and Lung function, stamina, and overall Physical Fitness. It is typically performed in group classes or as individual routines, accompanied by music to enhance Motivation and enjoyment.
Deutsch: Ästhetik / Español: Estética / Português: Estética / Français: Esthétique / Italiano: Estetica
Aesthetics in the fitness context refers to the visual appearance and Muscular definition of the body, often achieved through dedicated training, nutrition, and Body Composition management. It focuses on sculpting a physique that aligns with personal or societal standards of beauty, emphasising muscular symmetry, proportion, and low body fat.
Deutsch: Bewertung / Español: Evaluación / Português: Avaliação / Français: Évaluation / Italiano: Valutazione
Assessment in the fitness context refers to the process of evaluating an individual's current physical condition, capabilities, and fitness levels. It helps trainers, coaches, and individuals create tailored Workout programs and track progress. Assessments may include physical tests, body measurements, and discussions about Health history and fitness goals.