Glossary N

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++< Popular Articles: 'Nutrition', 'Nutrient', 'Net Protein Utilisation'

Deutsch: Nährstoff / Español: Nutriente / Português: Nutriente / Français: Nutriment / Italiano: Nutriente

Nutrient in the fitness context refers to the essential substances that the body requires for energy, growth, repair, and overall health. These substances are obtained through food and supplements and include macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

Deutsch: Nervenimpuls / Español: Impulso nervioso / Português: Impulso nervoso / Français: Impulsion nerveuse / Italiano: Impulso nervoso

Nerve impulse refers to the electrical signal transmitted along nerve cells (neurons) that allows communication between the brain, spinal cord, and muscles. In the fitness context, nerve impulses are essential for muscle contractions, coordination, and overall physical performance. They enable the body to respond to commands from the brain, activating muscles for movement, regulating balance, and adjusting force output during exercise.

Deutsch: Nadi Shodhana / Español: Nadi Shodhana / Português: Nadi Shodhana / Français: Nadi Shodhana / Italiano: Nadi Shodhana

Nadi Shodhana is a form of yogic breathing, also known as alternate nostril breathing. In the fitness context, it is used to balance the body's energy systems, calm the mind, and improve focus. It is often practiced in conjunction with yoga, meditation, or as part of a cooldown routine after physical exercise. The name "Nadi Shodhana" comes from Sanskrit, where "Nadi" refers to energy channels in the body and "Shodhana" means purification or cleansing. Therefore, this breathing technique aims to cleanse and balance the body’s internal energy channels.

Deutsch: Ernährung / Español: Nutrición / Português: Nutrição / Français: Nutrition / Italiano: Nutrizione
Nutrition is the process of breaking down food and substances taken in by the mouth to use for energy in the body.

Net Protein Utilisation refers to a method of evaluating Protein quality by comparing the amount animals retained to the amount they ingested.
Negatives refers to the act of lowering a Weight againt gravity, specifically, resisting gravity by lowering the Weight slowly and under control.
Nutritionist refers to ann expert who is trained in the field of nutrition who is able give advice in regard to allergies or health problems, and plan healthy diets to assist in weight management, like weight loss for people who are suffering from obesity or weight gain for people who suffers from eating diseases like Anorexia and Bulimina.