Glossary M

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++< Popular Articles: 'Metabolism', 'Muscle', 'Movement'

Deutsch: Muskelentwicklung / Español: Muscularidad / Português: Muscularidade / Français: Muscularité / Italiano: Muscolosità

Muscularity in the fitness context refers to the development and visibility of muscle mass and definition in the body. It is a key aspect of physical fitness, often associated with strength, athletic performance, and aesthetic goals. Muscularity is influenced by factors such as exercise, nutrition, genetics, and overall body composition.

Deutsch: Messgerät / Español: Medidor / Português: Medidor / Français: Compteur / Italiano: Misuratore

Meter in the fitness context refers to a device used to measure specific physical parameters during exercise or training. These devices can track performance metrics like speed, distance, heart rate, power output, or calorie expenditure, providing real-time feedback to optimise workouts and monitor progress.

Deutsch: Makrele / Español: Caballa / Português: Cavala / Français: Maquereau / Italiano: Sgombro

Mackerel in the fitness context refers to a nutrient-rich oily fish that serves as an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, and essential nutrients beneficial for physical performance and recovery. Its high content of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals makes it a popular dietary choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts aiming to support muscle growth, reduce inflammation, and enhance overall health.

Deutsch: Modifikation / Español: Modificación / Português: Modificação / Français: Modification / Italiano: Modifica

Modification in the fitness context refers to the adaptation or adjustment of exercises, routines, or training programmes to suit an individual's fitness level, physical condition, or specific goals. It ensures that exercises are accessible, safe, and effective for participants with varying abilities or limitations.

Deutsch: Motivation / Español: Motivación / Português: Motivação / Français: Motivation / Italiano: Motivazione

Motivation in the context of fitness refers to the psychological drive or willingness that propels an individual to start, continue, and persist in physical activities and exercise routines. This intrinsic or extrinsic desire is essential for establishing and maintaining healthy habits, achieving fitness goals, and overcoming challenges or plateaus in training.

Deutsch: Muskelaufbau / Español: Construcción muscular / Português: Construção muscular / Français: Développement musculaire / Italiano: Costruzione muscolare

Muscle-building in the fitness context refers to the process of increasing muscle mass and strength through targeted exercise, nutrition, and recovery practices. This process, known as hypertrophy, involves stimulating muscle fibers to grow larger and stronger by engaging in resistance training and supporting those efforts with proper nutrition and rest.

Deutsch: Überwachung / Español: Monitoreo / Português: Monitoramento / Français: Surveillance / Italiano: Monitoraggio

Monitoring in the fitness context refers to the ongoing tracking of physical activity, health metrics, and performance to assess progress, optimize workouts, and improve overall health. Monitoring involves using tools like fitness trackers, heart rate monitors, apps, and training logs to gather real-time or periodic data on metrics such as heart rate, calories burned, distance covered, steps, sleep, and recovery. Effective monitoring allows individuals to make data-informed adjustments to their routines, supporting goal achievement and minimizing the risk of overtraining or injury.

Deutsch: MyFitnessPal / Español: MyFitnessPal / Português: MyFitnessPal / Français: MyFitnessPal / Italiano: MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is a popular fitness and nutrition tracking app that helps users monitor their diet, exercise, and overall health. It allows individuals to track their daily calorie intake, macronutrient breakdown (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats), and physical activity to support fitness goals like weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance. The app provides a large food database, integration with fitness devices, and customizable goals, making it a versatile tool for anyone looking to improve their fitness and nutrition habits.

Deutsch: Malabsorption / Español: Malaabsorción / Português: Má absorção / Français: Malabsorption / Italiano: Malassorbimento

Malabsorption in the fitness context refers to the body's inability to properly absorb nutrients from food, which can negatively affect physical performance, recovery, and overall health. This condition can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fats, compromising an individual's ability to build muscle, maintain energy levels, and achieve fitness goals.

Deutsch: Maximus / Español: Máximo / Português: Máximo / Français: Maximus / Italiano: Massimo

Maximus in the fitness context usually refers to the gluteus maximus, which is the largest and most superficial muscle in the gluteal group. This muscle plays a key role in the movement of the hip and thigh and is crucial for activities that involve strength, power, and mobility, such as squatting, running, jumping, and lifting. It is also important for maintaining an upright posture and stabilizing the pelvis.