Glossary H

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Deutsch: Hochintensiv / Español: Alta intensidad / Português: Alta intensidade / Français: Haute intensité / Italiano: Alta intensità

High-intensity in the fitness context refers to exercise or training performed at a vigorous level of effort, typically characterised by elevated heart rates, rapid movements, and short bursts of maximal exertion. High-intensity workouts aim to improve cardiovascular fitness, strength, and calorie burn in a time-efficient manner.

Deutsch: Hüfte / Español: Cadera / Português: Quadril / Français: Hanche / Italiano: Anca

Hip in the fitness context refers to the joint and surrounding muscles that connect the pelvis to the upper thigh. The hip is a crucial component of movement, stability, and power generation, playing a key role in activities such as running, jumping, and lifting. Maintaining strong and mobile hips is essential for overall fitness, injury prevention, and optimal athletic performance.

Deutsch: Hämoglobin / Español: Hemoglobina / Português: Hemoglobina / Français: Hémoglobine / Italiano: Emoglobina

Hemoglobin in the fitness context refers to a protein in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and tissues and carrying carbon dioxide back to the lungs for exhalation. It is crucial for sustaining physical performance, particularly in activities requiring aerobic endurance.

Deutsch: Hygiene / Español: Higiene / Português: Higiene / Français: Hygiène / Italiano: Igiene

Hygiene in the fitness context refers to the practices and measures taken to maintain cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs, infections, and illnesses in fitness environments, such as gyms, studios, and outdoor training areas. It encompasses personal habits, facility cleanliness, and equipment maintenance, ensuring a safe and healthy space for physical activity.

Deutsch: Schaden / Español: Daño / Português: Dano / Français: Préjudice / Italiano: Danno

Harm in the fitness context refers to any physical, mental, or emotional damage that can result from improper exercise practices, overtraining, or unsafe fitness environments. It encompasses injuries, overuse conditions, and negative psychological effects associated with excessive or unbalanced training regimens.

Deutsch: Bluthochdruck / Español: Hipertensión / Português: Hipertensão / Français: Hypertension / Italiano: Ipertensione

Hypertension in the fitness context refers to a condition where an individual's blood pressure levels are persistently higher than normal, which can affect their ability to engage in physical activity and impact overall health. Regular exercise plays a critical role in managing and preventing hypertension.

Deutsch: Wandern / Español: Senderismo / Português: Caminhada / Français: Randonnée / Italiano: Escursionismo

Hiking in the fitness context refers to the physical activity of walking in nature, typically on trails or designated paths in hilly or mountainous areas. It is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that improves endurance, strength, and mental well-being while offering an immersive outdoor experience.

Deutsch: Hydrotherapie / Español: Hidroterapia / Português: Hidroterapia / Français: Hydrothérapie / Italiano: Idroterapia

Hydrotherapy in the fitness context refers to the use of water for therapeutic exercises and treatments that promote rehabilitation, muscle recovery, and overall fitness. It involves performing exercises in water, which reduces joint stress and provides resistance, making it ideal for improving strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health while minimizing injury risk.

Deutsch: Hypertrophie / Español: Hipertrofia / Português: Hipertrofia / Français: Hypertrophie / Italiano: Ipertrofia

Hypertrophy in the fitness context refers to the increase in muscle size as a result of resistance training or other forms of physical exercise. It occurs when the muscle fibres grow in response to progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing the demands placed on the muscles during strength training. Hypertrophy is a key goal for bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts aiming to enhance muscle mass, strength, and aesthetic appearance.

Deutsch: Halbmondstellung / Español: Postura de la media luna / Português: Postura da meia lua / Français: Posture de la demi-lune / Italiano: Posizione della mezza luna

Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana in Sanskrit) is a standing balance pose commonly practiced in yoga. It is named after the shape of the body during the pose, which resembles a half-moon. This pose is designed to improve balance, strength, and flexibility, making it an essential element of many fitness and yoga routines. It involves extending the body sideways, balancing on one leg, and lifting the other leg while the torso twists and opens toward the sky.