Glossary G
Glossary G
Deutsch: Blickrichtung / Español: Mirada / Português: Olhar / Français: Regard / Italiano: Sguardo
Gaze in the fitness context refers to the direction of one’s eyes during exercise or physical activity. Proper gaze control plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, posture, and body alignment. Where the eyes focus can influence movement efficiency, muscle engagement, and overall performance.
Deutsch: Glykolyse / Español: Glucólisis / Português: Glicólise / Français: Glycolyse / Italiano: Glicolisi
Glycolysis in the fitness context refers to a metabolic process where glucose is broken down to produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This process is a key source of energy during moderate to high-intensity exercise, especially in activities lasting from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
Deutsch: Glykogen / Español: Glucógeno / Português: Glicogênio / Français: Glycogène / Italiano: Glicogeno
Glycogen in the Fitness context refers to a stored form of glucose that is found primarily in the liver and muscles. It serves as a key energy source during Exercise, providing fuel that the Body can readily access, especially during moderate to High-intensity activities.
Deutsch: Gymnastik / Español: Gimnasia / Português: Ginástica / Français: Gymnastique / Italiano: Ginnastica
Gymnastics in the fitness context refers to a sport and exercise discipline that involves performing sequences of movements requiring strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and endurance. It is not only a competitive sport but also a form of physical training that can enhance overall fitness, including muscle tone, body control, and agility.
Deutsch: Fitnessstudio / Español: Gimnasio / Português: Academia / Français: Salle de sport / Italian: Palestra
Gym refers to a facility equipped with various types of exercise equipment and spaces designed to support physical fitness activities. In the fitness context, a gym serves as a central hub for individuals seeking to improve or maintain their physical health through a variety of exercises, ranging from cardiovascular and strength training to flexibility and endurance workouts.
Deutsch: Gluteus / Español: Glúteo / Português: Glúteo / Français: Fessier / Italian: Gluteo
Gluteus refers to the group of three muscles located in the buttocks, known as the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. These muscles are essential in various movements, including hip extension, rotation, and stabilization, making them crucial in fitness and athletic performance.
Deutsch: Glenoidhöhle / Español: Cavidad glenoidea / Português: Cavidade glenoidal / Français: Cavité glénoïde / Italian: Cavità glenoidea
Glenoid cavity refers to the part of the scapula (shoulder blade) that forms the socket for the ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder. This structure is crucial for shoulder stability and mobility, playing a significant role in various physical activities and fitness routines.
Deutsch: Garudasana / Español: Garudasana / Português: Garudasana / Français: Garudasana / Italiano: Garudasana
Garudasana in the fitness context, also known as Eagle Pose, is a standing balance yoga posture that strengthens and stretches the body while improving focus and concentration. Named after Garuda, the mythical bird and mount of the Hindu god Vishnu, this pose embodies qualities of strength, power, and focus.
Deutsch: Wachstum / Español: Crecimiento / Português: Crescimento / Français: Croissance / Italiano: Crescita
Growth in the fitness context refers to the increase in muscle size, strength, and overall physical development as a Result of consistent exercise, nutrition, and recovery. It is a fundamental goal for many individuals engaging in strength training and bodybuilding.
Deutsch: Glutamin / Español: Glutamina / Português: Glutamina / Français: Glutamine / Italiano: Glutammina
Glutamine is a vital amino acid found in the human body and plays a significant role in the fitness context. It is the most abundant amino acid in skeletal muscle tissue and is considered a conditionally essential amino acid, meaning that its demand increases during periods of intense physical activity, stress, or illness. Glutamine is involved in various physiological processes related to muscle recovery, immune system support, and overall athletic performance.