Glossary R
Glossary R
Deutsch: Rhythmus / Español: Ritmo / Português: Ritmo / Français: Rythme / Italiano: Ritmo
Rhythm in the fitness context refers to the coordinated and consistent timing of movements during exercise. It plays a crucial role in maintaining efficiency, preventing injuries, and optimising performance. Whether in strength training, cardiovascular workouts, or dance-based exercises, establishing a steady rhythm helps improve endurance, motor control, and overall workout effectiveness.
Deutsch: Regime / Español: Régimen / Português: Regime / Français: Régime / Italiano: Regime
A regimen in the fitness context refers to a structured and disciplined plan of physical exercise, nutrition, and recovery designed to achieve specific health or performance goals. It typically includes a combination of workout routines, dietary guidelines, and lifestyle habits to promote overall fitness, strength, endurance, or weight management.
Deutsch: Rehydrierung / Español: Rehidratación / Português: Reidratação / Français: Réhydratation / Italiano: Reidratazione
Rehydration in the fitness context refers to the process of replenishing fluids and electrolytes lost through sweat and other bodily functions during physical activity. It is essential for maintaining optimal performance, preventing dehydration, and supporting recovery after exercise.
Deutsch: Radius / Español: Radio / Português: Raio / Français: Rayon / Italiano: Raggio
Radius in the fitness context can have two meanings depending on the focus:
- As an anatomical term, it refers to one of the two long bones in the forearm, located on the thumb side, playing a crucial role in arm movement and strength exercises.
- In a general fitness setting, it can also describe the range or extent of motion or movement around a specific point, often related to exercises or equipment.
Deutsch: Reaktionsfähigkeit / Español: Capacidad de respuesta / Português: Capacidade de resposta / Français: Réactivité / Italiano: Reattività
Responsiveness in the fitness context refers to an individual’s ability to react swiftly and effectively to changes in physical demands, stimuli, or environments. It encompasses both physiological and neuromuscular responses, playing a crucial role in athletic performance, injury prevention, and functional fitness.
Deutsch: Rugby / Español: Rugby / Português: Rugby / Français: Rugby / Italiano: Rugby
Rugby in the fitness context refers to a high-Intensity, contact team sport that demands a Combination of Physical Strength, Cardiovascular Endurance, agility, and mental Resilience. Players engage in Running, tackling, scrummaging, and strategic teamwork, making rugby an effective way to improve overall fitness while developing specific athletic skills.
Deutsch: Ergebnis / Español: Resultado / Português: Resultado / Français: Résultat / Italiano: Risultato
Result in the fitness context refers to the measurable or observable outcomes achieved through exercise, training, or a fitness programme. These outcomes may include improvements in Physical Strength, Endurance, flexibility, weight management, or overall health. Results can vary based on individual goals, Consistency, and the type of activities performed.
Deutsch: Radfahren / Español: Montar / Português: Andar de bicicleta / Français: Cyclisme / Italiano: Andare in bicicletta
Riding in the fitness context refers to Physical activity or exercise performed on a bicycle, either outdoors or indoors. It involves pedaling to improve Cardiovascular Endurance, muscle Strength, and overall physical Health. Indoor riding is commonly practiced on stationary bikes in spin classes or home setups, while outdoor riding combines exercise with recreational and transportation benefits.
Deutsch: Wiederverletzung / Español: Re-lesión / Português: Re-lesão / Français: Re-blessure / Italiano: Ri-infortunio
Re-injury in the fitness context refers to the recurrence of a previous injury, often caused by returning to Physical activity before full recovery or failing to address the underlying causes of the initial injury. It is a significant concern for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, as it can lead to prolonged recovery periods, decreased performance, and chronic issues.
Deutsch: Atmung / Español: Respiración / Português: Respiração / Français: Respiration / Italiano: Respirazione
Respiration in the Fitness context refers to the process of breathing and how the body takes in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide during Physical activity. Proper respiration is essential for maintaining endurance, maximizing performance, and supporting the body’s Energy production during exercise.