Glossary A
Glossary A
The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Almond', 'Activity', 'Aerobic'
Deutsch: Anjaneyasana / Español: Anjaneyasana / Português: Anjaneyasana / Français: Anjaneyasana / Italiano: Anjaneyasana
Anjaneyasana in the fitness context, also known as Low Lunge or Crescent Lunge, is a foundational yoga pose that stretches the hips, strengthens the legs, and improves balance. Named after Anjaneya, the mother of the Hindu deity Hanuman, this pose is associated with devotion and strength.
Deutsch: Assimilation / Español: Asimilación / Português: Assimilação / Français: Assimilation / Italiano: Assimilazione
Assimilation in the fitness context refers to the process by which the body absorbs and integrates nutrients from food and supplements into its tissues and cells. This biological mechanism is crucial for recovery, muscle growth, and overall physical performance.
Deutsch: Aktiver Lebensstil / Español: Estilo de vida activo / Português: Estilo de vida ativo / Français: Mode de vie actif / Italiano: Stile di vita attivo
Active lifestyle refers to a way of living that incorporates regular physical activity into daily routines. It emphasizes the importance of movement and exercise for maintaining health, fitness, and overall Well-being. An active lifestyle can include structured workouts, recreational activities, and everyday physical tasks that keep the body engaged.
Deutsch: Barrierefreiheit und Inklusivität / Español: Accesibilidad e Inclusividad / Português: Acessibilidade e Inclusividade / Français: Accessibilité et Inclusivité / Italiano: Accessibilità e Inclusività
Accessibility and inclusivity in fitness refer to the practices and principles that ensure fitness facilities, programs, and activities are accessible and welcoming to individuals of all abilities, backgrounds, and identities. This involves creating an environment where everyone, regardless of physical abilities, age, gender, or socio-economic status, can participate in fitness activities.
Deutsch: Akkommodierendes Training / Español: Entrenamiento acomodaticio / Português: Treinamento acomodativo / Français: Entraînement accommodant / Italiano: Allenamento accomodante
Accommodating in the fitness context often refers to accommodating resistance, a training method that involves modifying the resistance or load in accordance with the natural strength curve of the muscles throughout a movement. This technique is used to maximize muscle tension and improve the effectiveness of strength training exercises.
Deutsch: Amphiarthrose / Español: Anfiartrosis / Português: Anfiartrose / Français: Amphiarthrose / Italiano: Anfiartrosi
Amphiarthrosis in the fitness context refers to a type of joint in the human body that allows only slight movement. Unlike the freely movable synovial joints, such as the shoulder or knee, amphiarthroses provide stability and support while still permitting some movement to occur, which is crucial for absorbing shock and allowing subtle movements that contribute to overall mobility and flexibility.
Deutsch: Fettgewebe / Español: Tejido adiposo / Português: Tecido adiposo / Français: Tissu adipeux / Italiano: Tessuto adiposo /
Adipose Tissue refers to the Fat cells in the body, which stores energy (in the form of fat) and provides cushioning and insulation.
Deutsch: Adduktion / Español: Aducción / Português: Adução / Français: Adduction / Italiano: Adduzione /
Adduction refers to the movement of a limb towards the middle of body, such as bringing arms from a horizontal position on either side of the body to the to side from extended position at Shoulder.