Glossary A

The Fitness and Health Glossary +++ Popular Articles: 'Activity', 'Adaptation', 'Assimilation'
Arthrokinematic movement refers to the movement occurring between joint surfaces.

Autoimmune disease refers to a disease that arises from an overactive immune response of the body against substances and tissues normally present in the body

Axis of rotation refers to the pivot point for an angular motion, usually located through the convex component of the joint

Deutsch: Aerobe Übung / Español: Ejercicio aeróbico / Português: Exercício aeróbico / Français: Exercice aérobie / Italiano: Esercizio aerobico /

Aerobic exercise refers to any sustained rhythmic exercise, such as brisk walking, running, or dance that uses the large muscle groups of the heart and increases the heart rate from 50 to 90 percent of its maximum. Aerobic Exercise can be done for Weight loss, but it also provides cardiovascular benefits. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and cross-country skiing.

Deutsch: Asana / Español: Asana / Português: Asana / Français: Asana / Italiano: Asana /

Asanas refer to gentle stretching movements designed to help balance the mind and body. It is a term that is also called "Yoga Postures".

Deutsch: Bauchmuskeln / Español: Músculos abdominales / Português: Músculos abdominais / Français: Muscles abdominaux / Italiano: Muscoli addominali /

Abdominal Muscles refer to a Set of eight (8) small muscles located below the chest. These eight muscles help people to bend forward and twist side to side.