Glossary B
Glossary B
Buffer refers to a substance that minimizes changes in hydrogen-ion concentration (pH). It is used to help reduce lactic acid buildup during strenuous exercise.
Deutsch: Biomechanik / Español: Biomecánica / Português: Biomecânica / Français: Biomécanique / Italiano: Biomeccanica
Biomechanics in the fitness context refers to the application of mechanical principles to the human body during movement and exercise. It involves studying how muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to produce movements and how these movements can be improved, optimized, and made safer through better understanding and application of mechanical laws.
Deutsch: Körperzusammensetzung / Español: Composición corporal / Português: Composição corporal / Français: Composition corporelle / Italiano: Composizione corporea /
Body Composition is defined in physical fitness as the percentage of fat, muscle, and bone in the body.